We care about where YOU live

Langley Apartments

Christmas Foodbank 2021 Wrap Up!

Through our collected efforts this year, a total of $9,731 was raised for the 3 local food banks!

A total of $2,431 came from our generous residents, and $7,300 coming from Ratzlaff & Co. In addition, approximately 47 boxes of food items were also sent out last week to our local food banks.

All 10 of our foodbank drive winners have come forward to claim their $200 rent credit’s for January 2022 – we are excited to wrap up this 15th year so strong.

We are blown away by our resident’s generosity this year! This is a tremendous community help, especially in light the flooding and displacement around the valley this year. We are thankful to our Managers who are committed to to this program, and of course to our residents for giving year-after-year!